iqos science

The science and research behind IQOS.​

Our scientific assessment journey. ​

Scientific programme.​

We have developed a comprehensive step-by-step scientific assessment programme. This programme is inspired by the practices of the pharmaceutical industry and is in line with the USA’s Federal Drug Administration’s 2012 guidance on the assessment of candidate Modified Risk Tobacco products. Our assessment was also conducted according to international standards.​

Is IQOS less harmful?​

IQOS ILUMA emits 95% less harmful chemicals compared to cigarettes.*

Important information: This does not necessarily equal a 95% reduction in risk. IQOS ILUMA is not risk-free.

* “95% less” represents the average reduction in levels of the 9 chemicals recommended for reduction in cigarette smoke by the World Health Organization, which do not include nicotine. See Important Information on IQOS.COM.
iqos science
iqos science
iqos science

Clinical studies

Do the significantly lower number and levels of harmful chemicals in IQOS tobacco vapour also mean lower levels of such chemicals in the body? If you reduce the level of harmful chemicals in IQOS tobacco vapour, it would make sense that switching completely to IQOS from cigarettes reduces exposure to these harmful chemicals. To prove this, we measured biomarkers of exposure for a number of these harmful chemicals in thousands of smokers who participated in our clinical study programme (some switched to IQOS, while others either continued smoking their cigarette brand or quit for the duration of the study). These studies show that when smokers switch to IQOS, their body absorbs significantly lower levels of harmful chemicals, which in turn results in favorable changes in a number of risk markers selected because of their known association with smoking-related diseases. But it doesn’t end.​
iqos science

IQOS satisfaction. ​

Our clinical study participants who switched to IQOS also report that IQOS provides comparable levels of satisfaction as cigarettes. This supports our view that IQOS has the potential to be an acceptable alternative for adult smokers who would otherwise continue to smoke. Based on all the scientific evidence, we are confident that switching completely to IQOS is less harmful than continuing to smoke cigarettes. However, and this is important: IQOS is not risk-free and the reduction in risk also depends upon each individual’s smoking history. The absolute best choice remains to quit tobacco and nicotine use altogether. IQOS is not an alternative to cessation. It delivers nicotine, which is addictive.​
iqos science
iqos science
iqos science

Long-term studies.

Once IQOS is available in the market, the research moves from being conducted in a pre-market setting to a real-world post-market setting. There, we look at how the product is being used and by whom in order to complement our pre-market findings and to do our best to identify and prevent use or uptake by unintended audiences. After years of commercialization in many countries, the available data confirms our pre-market observations, in particular in terms of IQOS’ appeal to adult smokers and the relative lack of interest in former and never smokers.


We also monitor reports of health effects now that the product is used by millions of adult users. Long-term studies will eventually help us to evaluate the potential disease–specific risk reduction of IQOS. Gathering data to answer this question takes time, but it’s the right choice. So far, all the data we’ve seen points in the right direction.

iqos science

The result. ​

IQOS is a better choice than continued smoking. The totality of scientific evidence available to-date clearly demonstrates that switching completely to IQOS ILUMA presents less risk to your health than continuing to smoke.*

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: IQOS ILUMA is not risk-free and delivers nicotine, which is addictive.

*Based on the totality of evidence available for IQOS in comparison with continuing to smoke. See Important Information on IQOS.COM

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This product is not risk-free and delivers nicotine, which is addictive. For adult use only.​